Terms and conditions


These Terms and Conditions regulate the use of the website www.tequilareysol.com/us/ (from now on “the website"), property of Tequila Rey Sol (from “Tequila San Matías de Jalisco SA de CV”). Tequila San Matías de Jalisco SA de CV with the address AV. CIRCUNVALACIÓN AGUSTÍN YÁÑEZ 2612, ARCOS VALLARTA, zip code 44130, JALISCO, MEXICO.

By accessing and using The Website, and by contracting the services offered, You agree to all the Terms and Conditions established on the present website. Tequila San Matías de Jalisco SA de CV reserves the right to modify the Terms and Conditions they consider necessary or convenient at any moment and without prior notice to the website users. We invite you to verify and consult periodically these Terms and Conditions for the effect of knowing such changes or modifications. The acceptance of the Terms and Conditions will be an indispensable step prior to the acquisition of any services available through the website.

The content and use of the Website is reserved and directed only and exclusively to an audience of 18 to 21 years old, or older, according to every country regulation.

Through their website, Tequila San Matías de Jalisco SA de CV provides information about their products and services and offers their users the possibility of acquiring or contracting them. The acceptance of the Terms and Conditions will be an indispensable step prior to the acquisition of any product or service available through the Website.

Tequila San Matías de Jalisco SA de CV, their subsidiary companies, or those related to them, as well as their licensors and licensees, hold, by themselves, or by virtue of the celebration of a third party contract, all the rights over the content and design of the website, and, especially, including but not limited to the photographs, images, texts, logos, designs, brands, commercial names and other data included. Such rights are protected by the applicable and current legislation for intellectual and industrial property rights.

It is completely forbidden the reproduction, adaptation, modification, commercialization or public broadcast of the Website and/or any other action that may constitute an infringement to the current legislation for intellectual and industrial property rights, as well as the use of the contents of the website, unless there’s previous written express authorization from Tequila San Matías de Jalisco SA de CV.

CASA SAN MATIAS informs that the fact of accessing and consulting the website, doesn’t grant license, authorization or any implicit right over the intellectual or industrial property rights, or over any other right or property related directly or indirectly, to the contents on the website. The users must use the website responsibly and with lawful purposes in agreement to the present Terms and Conditions. Hereunder, are listed, some activities included but not limited to, that the user should refrain from doing:

This website may contain discussion groups, announcement groups, announcements, news boards, chat rooms and other services where third parties different from Tequila San Matías de Jalisco SA de CV and the user may participate.

Tequila San Matías de Jalisco SA de CV won’t be responsible for the communications or conversations in the debates, forums or chats organized through the website and/or linked pages, nor will respond, therefore, for the eventual damages and suffered by the users as consequence of such communications or conversations. The information the user provides in such situations is public, so we recommend not giving personal or private information of any kind.

In the event that some legal or administrative authority annuls any subparagraph, section or clause of these Terms and Conditions, the rest of the clauses, sections and subparagraphs will remain compulsory for the parties. To solve any controversy or conflict that may derive from these Terms and Conditions, from the visit or use of the website or related to the acquisition of products and services through the website, the parties submit themselves to the applicable laws of the Mexican Republic and to the jurisdiction of the courts in Ciudad de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, expressly waiving to any other jurisdiction that may apply for the reason of their current or future addresses.